Time Difference
Produced by Lagoon Parliament 2019
Performance, Installation
Mechanical Clocks

“Time Difference” is a Performance with an installation of a square number of mechanical clocks.

I went through the most intense time in my life during the last months.

From trivial to consequential, losing to regaining, tears to laughter, death and love…

In many moments, I wished for the power of control. That I want to change the past and the future, to change the flow of time.

I looked at the 25 clocks sitting in the corner.

Those mechanical clocks move forward when their spring gets tightened, they ring, when they reach the preset time.  

May I be able to control time by controlling them.

I set them all to start at the same time, I tighten them all with the same strength,

but will they run with the same speed? Will they stop at the same time?

“We are in different time zones

the time zones reveals in absolute time, in age, in space, in mind, in substance, in illusions...

I was happy,

I thought time flowed the same for us.

I am sad,

I noticed it actually does not.

What can we do, but to keep loving.”

I’m staring at all the intensities, rising and falling. Eventually they will become a part for the placidity.

So do I.

Photos by:
Andy King

Yannick Spiess

Produced by:
Lagoon Parliament